
Monday 6 August 2012


A pastor from Kimulot area in
Bomet County was recently
frogmarched half nude to a police
station when he was caught
fooling around with a primary
school girl behind a tea-buying
Pastor Samwel Kimetto from
Liberty, Restoration and
Forgiveness Church was found by
a local vigilante group called
‘Chepwongo Operation Rudi
Shuleni’ that had suspected him to
be up to no good for a long time.
It is reported that his dalliance
with the members of the opposite
sex had unsettled the group.
The incident took place at
Chepwongo area at around 8pm.
It is reported that the pastor had
organised for a kesha (night-long
prayer meeting) in preparation for
a major crusade that was to take
place the following week.
As the brothers and sisters sang
praise songs for the Lord, ‘the
man of God’ excused himself and
left the church building. The girl
followed him after. This did not,
however, raise suspicion as it was
thought that the girl was
responding to a call of nature.
However, the girl, who is a
daughter to a primary school
teacher, is reported to have
walked out of the church
compound and headed in the
direction the pastor had gone.
The suspicious group, who were
stationed some metres away from
the church, resolved to follow the
girl discreetly.
The tea-buying centre was quiet
because farmers had cleared
transacting the day’s business and
had left for their homes. Soon,
the vigilantes heard the two
whispering before the whispers
turned into moans and groans. It
is then that they decided to strike.
With dazzling spotlights, the two
lovers were busted. Their attempt
to dress up was futile because the
unexpected light had temporarily
blinded them.
In an attempt to dash off, the
pastor instead rushed into the
hands of a strong man who held
him like firmly.
The two were frog-marched to
Kapset Administration Police post.
The congregation at the church
was stunned when word about
the wayward behaviour of their
pastor reached them. They,
however, prayed, asking God to
forgive the two saying that ‘all
have sinned and fallen short of
the glory of God’.
The police were not as forgiving
since they transferred the pastor
to Litein police station the
following day saying the ‘man of
God’ had to face the full force of
the law.
The officer in charge of Kapset AP
post, Corporal Alfred Rotich,
confirmed the incident and said
the pastor had been handed over
to the police and was to appear in
court for child molestation and
Area chief Francis Chepkulul
termed the incident unfortunate,
especially coming from a man of
God whose morals and conduct
were expected to be above
reproach. He warned those
pretending and hiding in the
house of the lord that their days
are numbered.
When he appeared before the
Sotik chief magistrate, the pastor
pleaded not guilty and was
released on a cash bail of

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